The Missing Course

Homework 8

Create a Dockerfile that defines a container that, when run, uses the cowsay application to print the contents of an environment variable called COWSAY_TEXT.

Cowsay is easy to use. When it is run, it will print out any arguments passed to it in a fun speech bubble above a cow. See below.

➜ cowsay I am a cow and I say things
< I am a cow and I say things >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Important Note: In order to run cowsay in an Ubuntu container you need to specify the full path to the executable, which is /usr/games/cowsay. This is because /usr/games isn’t in the PATH in the Ubuntu container image. This is probably to simplify the image.

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