The Missing Course

Type Systems

It is a common refrain from students that types “get in the way” when programming. While we have all experienced frustration trying to convince a compiler to run a program we believed to be valid, types, as concepts, are much more fundamental than this.

The goal of this lecture is to suggest a way of thinking about types that will, hopefully, be useful with any programming language, even those with little syntactic emphasis on types, and reduce the frustration associated with this concepts in languages that do feature types as syntactic elements.

The World is Full of Types

We deal with types seamlessly in our daily lives. When we go to a restuarant, we don’t expect the people at the next table to take our order or refill our drinks, we expect the wait staff to do that. Said another (super weird) way, we don’t call the refill_drinks() method on the folks at the next table, because we know, implicitly, that they don’t respond to that method.

Have you ever skipped lunch and then tried to take a bite out of your laptop? Probably not, but, if you did, it probably didn’t work out very well for you. Laptops have is_edible set to false (or, if you prefer, they don’t don’t implement the Food interface). They have the wrong type.

The point here is that the actual world around us has types. We would call it “strongly typed” because every object in the world does, in fact, have a set of specific types. Some of those types are complicated (imagine a chair made out of chocolate), and they can change depending on context (a waiter eating at a restaurant), but they exist nonetheless.

Types in Programs

Just as the entire world is full of types, every programming language has types, whether they are made explicit or not. For example, the code below only makes sense if x has a round(n) method, otherwise its result will be an error of some kind (depending on the language):

function prettify(x) {
    return x.round(2);

So, despite the fact that no types were specified, they still exist. There isn’t necessarily a name that we could use to describe the type of x concisely, its type is defined by the methods called on it. In this case, any object that has a round(n) method satisfies the type. But even though its type is, perhaps, ill-defined, it does, in fact, exist.

Duck Typing

When we perform this sort of analysis in a programming language without explicit types we apply “Duck Typing” (if it quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck). In this case, we might replace “quacking” with “rounding”.

As an aside, can you think of anything that quacks like a duck but isn’t actually a duck? What about the code above, can you think of a type that might have a round(n) method that wouldn’t necessarily make sense as an argument to this function?

Languages that rely on Duck Typing are “dynamically typed” because the types are handled at runtime (just like “dynamic analysis” is performed by running the program). There is another category of languages, including popular examples like Java, that are “statically typed” because types are specified (in one way or another) in the actual program code and can be “checked” (or “enforced”) without running the program.

Nominal Typing

One nice feature of Duck Typing is that it doesn’t require us to do anything to guarantee that a value will “work” in a particular situation, we just have to make sure it has the required fields or methods. For instance, in Javascript, x could be an entirely anonymous object, created on the fly, there is no need for it to be declared in a particular way.

    round: function() {
        // Code goes here

On the other hand, in order to determine the type that we’re supposed to provide for x, we need to study the entire body of the function to see how the value is actually used. Further, if the function changes, we may need to update how we use it. For example, assume someone changed prettify(x) to call a different method on x.

function prettify(x) {
    return x.floor();

Now, instead of passing in something that has a round(n) method, we need to give it something that has a floor() method. But we have no way of knowing this unless we study the updated code.

To get around this shortcoming, we can label x to make it easier to identify such changes. In fact, once we do this, it is straightforward to determine whether our types are correct statically, that is, without running the program.

For example, we could update the function to declare that x must be a number (which seems reasonable). Now, only instances of the number type will be allowed, and the program will refuse to compile (or run) at all if we fail to adhere to this requirement.

function prettify(x: number) {
    return x.round(2);

Further, if someone decides to use floor() instead of round(n), we won’t need to update our code at all (assuming those are both methods on number).

One drawback, though, is that we have forced callers to provide an instance of number even though we only actually intend to use a small piece of the functionality that number provides. Additionally, the function can no longer accept arbitrary, but compatible, types, like the anonymous object we constructed above.

Structural Typing

To get around these problems, we might declare an interface and then allow x to have any type that implements the interface. However, at least in languages like Java, that still requires the type of x to declare that it implements the interface. In other words, we still can’t provide an anonymous object the way we could with Duck Typing.

interface Roundable { ... }

class MyRoundable implements Roundable { ... }

Some languages, therefore, relax this latter requirement and provide what is known as “Structural Typing”. In this case, we must name (or otherwise specify, see below) the type of x, but we can pass any value for x as long as it satisfies the required interface, regardless of whether it has been declared to satisfy the interface.

function prettify(x: Roundable) {
    return x.round(2);

In some languages, we don’t even have to name these interfaces, we can declare them anonymously, inline. For example, we could write the prettify(x) function to declare that it uses the round(n) method right in the function header.

function prettify(x: { round: (n: number) => number }) {
    return x.round(2);

Note, however, that calling any method on x other than round(n) within the body of prettify(x) will now result in a (static) type error because that is the only method we have declared. Once we need more than one method or field in our type declaration, it is usually best to use a named interface instead.

Big Picture

At the end of the day, a programming language is a tool, and each contains, embedded within its design, a set of trade-offs that give it advantages and disadvantages, depending on the task to be completed.

Type systems are among the dimensions along which these trade-offs are made. Some languages allow enormous amounts of information to be embedded in types, others omit types entirely from their syntax.

Programmers must remember that types are pervasive in the world, and exist in all programming languages, regardless of syntax. At the same time, they should make the best possible use of the language at hand.

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